Psychology Classes Near Me, Psychology Tutor Near Me, Psychology Lesson Near Me :
Psychology Online/Home ( Tutors, Psychology Tuition Classes, Psychology Teachers, Psychology Lessons, Psychology Tutorials, Psychology Coaching Classes, Psychology Workshops, Psychology Seminars, Online Psychology Tuition Classes Near Me, Online Psychology Tutors Near Me, Psychology Teachers Near Me, Psychology Online Tutors Near Me, Psychology Home Tutors, Psychology Online Lessons Near Me, Psychology Online Tuition Classes Near Me, Psychology Online Lessons, Psychology Online Tutorials, Psychology Home Tutor Near Me, Psychology Tutoring Near Me, Psychology Home Tuition Classes Near Me, Psychology Coaching Classes Near Me, Psychology Workshops Near Me, Psychology Seminars, Online Psychology Tutorial Near Me, Psychology Live Teachers Near Me ) for Class 11, Class 12, College Level Students, Psychology Adult Recreational Learners near me in Greater Noida West, Greater Noida, New Delhi NCR, Gurgaon ( Gurugram ), Ghaziabad, Faridabad, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Bangalore ( Bengaluru ), and, other locations in India and Abroad ( ( Manitoba, British Columbia - BC, Canada - CA ), New Zealand, NZ ) :
Psychology - Introduction & Scope :
Psychology is a research oriented discipline for learners of all levels and all ages. It deals with the analysis of real-life situations through application of Mind, Body and Psyche. Psyche is an innate entity connecting the scientific approach with the meta-physical observations. It is a mix of both the natural sciences and social sciences. Right from ancient recorded human history to the contemporary times, Psychology is used to explain the manifestation of various human behaviours, differences and expectations in any individual.
Formation and dissolution of various social groups and their human centric reasonings are researched to a great extent within Psychology.
Psychology encompasses the enquiry, hypothesis and research methodologies using various observational, correlational, experimental and survey researches. Quantitative and Qualitative methods are greatly leveraged upon. Various bases of human behaviours through evolutionary, biological and cultural origins are utilised for comparative analysis. Genetics, Heredity and Biological somatic components are deeply discussed. Concepts of cultures, Enculturation and Acculturation are understood.
Various phases of human developments right from infancy to old age are deeply touched upon. Sensory, Perceptual and Attentive Processes are analysed too. Various learning approaches with inter-dependence upon the capacity of Human memory and the thinking are greatly covered.
Psychology also tries to explain about the variations among the psychological attributes ( intelligence, emotional quotients, aptitudes, etc., ), especially on an individual level are studied. Concepts of Self and Personality are distinguished and applied to real-life behaviours. Meeting Life Changes, various Psychological Disorders, Therapeutic approaches, Social Cognition, Psychology & Life and development of Psychological Life Skills are highly researched upon.
Pyschology interfaces with other specialisations or subject matter to derive comprehension and understanding of the human psyche, including Sociology, Social Studies, Political Science, History, Geography, Civics, Economics, Political Studies, Micro Economics, Legal Studies, General Science, Macro Economics, Human Rights & Gender Studies HRGS, Knowledge Traditions & Practices of India KTPI , Business Studies and others.
Psychology Tutors Near Me, Psychology Online Teacher Near Me :
Wise Turtle Academy provides high Quality "CBSE Class 12th Psychology Online Tuition Classes" in Greater Noida. These classes are successfully delivered through Online Tutoring mode to the students of all schools and colleges in the various areas of Greater Noida. The prominent areas of Greater Noida covering "CBSE Class 12th Psychology Online Tuition Classes" & Online Tutoring services are :
Pari Chowk, LG Chowk, Pi 1, Mu 1, Pi 2, Mu 2, Pi 3, Mu 3, Pi 4, Mu 4, Pi 5, Mu 5, Site 4, Site 5, Site 1, Site 2, Site 3, Gamma 1, Gamma 2, Alpha 1, Alpha 2, Beta 1, Beta 2, Xi 1, Sigma 1, Xi 2, Sigma 2, Xi 3, Sigma 3, Xi 4, Sigma 4, Xi 5, Sigma 5, Phi 1, Jagat Farm, The King's Reserve, Purvanchal Heights, Alpha Homes, Rail Vihar, Phi 2, Phi 3, Phi 4, Phi 5, Eachaar 1, Eachaar 2, Eachaar 3, Omicron 1, Omicron 2, Omicron 3, Zeta 1, Zeta 2, Zeta 3, Zeta 4, Zeta 5, Eta 1, Eta2, Delta 1, Delta 2, Delta 3, Delta 4, Delta 5, Knowledge Park 1, Knowledge Park 2, Knowledge Park 3, Omaxe Connaught Place Mall, Rampur Jagir Chowk, Alpha Commercial Belt, Surajpur, Sharda Hospital, Sector 150, ATS Pristine Sector 150, Sector 144, Sector 143, Sector 27, Swarna Nagari, Tughalpur Village, Kasna, Greater Noida Expressway, Sector 31, Sector 32, Sector 33, Sector 34, Sector 35, Sector 36, Sector 37, sector 38, sector 39, Sector 40, Sector 41, Sector 42, Sector 43, Sector 45, etc..
There are many more areas within Greater Noida, that are covered under our services for "CBSE Class 12th Psychology Online Tuition Classes, Psychology Tutor Online" and Online tutoring. In case, if your residential areas within Greater Noida don't show up in the list of above prominent areas of Greater Noida, please contact us directly to clarify further.
Psychology Teachers Near Me, Psychology Online Tutorials Near Me :
Wise Turtle Academy has good experience in delivering "CBSE Class 12th Psychology Online Tuition Classes" that relate to English medium CBSE School Board. We offer quality oriented, contemporary, educational & learning support services, through Psychology Study Notes, Psychology Solved Assignments, &, Psychology Home Work Help. "CBSE Class 12th Psychology Online Tuition Classes, Psychology Tutors Online" & learning support services are provided by our best, experienced and result oriented Psychology Online Tutors, and, Psychology Home Tutors in Greater Noida and Greater Noida West.
Psychology Online Tutor Near Me Class 11, Online Psychology Tutor Near Me Class 11 :
Following is the general Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE / NCERT National Council of Educational Research and Training prescribed outline of syllabus for subject Psychology - Class 11th ( Class XI - 11 ) :
Unit I: What is psychology?
What is Psychology?
Psychology as a Discipline
Psychology as a Natural Science
Psychology as a Social Science
Understanding Mind and Behaviour
Popular Notions about the Discipline of Psychology
Evolution of Psychology
Development of Psychology in India
Branches of Psychology
Themes of Research and Applications
Psychology and Other Disciplines
Psychologists at Work
Psychology in Everyday Life
Unit II: Methods of Enquiry in Psychology
Goals of Psychological Enquiry
Steps in Conducting Scientific Research
Alternative Paradigms of Research
Nature of Psychological Data
Some Important Methods in Psychology
Observational Method
Experimental Method
Correlational Research
Survey Research
Psychological Testing
Case Study
Analysis of Data
Quantitative Method
Qualitative Method
Limitations of Psychological Enquiry
Ethical Issues
Unit III: The Bases of Human Behaviour
Evolutionary Perspective
Biological and Cultural Roots
Biological Basis of Behaviour
Structure and Functions of Nervous System and
Endocrine System and their Relationship with
Behaviour and Experience
The Nervous System
The Endocrine System
Heredity: Genes and Behaviour
Cultural Basis : Socio-Cultural Shaping of Behaviour
Concept of Culture
Unit IV: Human Development
Meaning of Development
Life-Span Perspective on Development
Factors Influencing Development
Context of Development
Overview of Developmental Stages
Prenatal Stage
Challenges of Adolescence
Adulthood and Old Age
Unit V: Sensory, Attentional, and Perceptual Processes
Knowing the world
Nature and varieties of Stimulus
Sense Modalities
Visual Sensation
Auditory Sensation
Attentional Processes
Selective Attention
Sustained Attention
Perceptual Processes
Processing Approaches in Perception
The Perceiver
Principles of Perceptual Organisation
Perception of Space, Depth, and Distance
Monocular Cues and Binocular Cues
Perceptual Constancies
Socio-Cultural Influences on Perception
Unit VI: Learning
Nature of Learning
Paradigms of Learning
Classical Conditioning
Determinants of Classical Conditioning
Operant/Instrumental Conditioning
Determinants of Operant Conditioning
Key Learning Processes
Observational Learning
Cognitive Learning
Verbal Learning
Concept Learning
Skill Learning
Transfer of Learning
Factors Facilitating Learning
The Learner: Learning Styles
Learning Disabilities
Applications of Learning Principles
Unit VII: Human Memory
Nature of memory
Information processing Approach: The Stage Model
Memory Systems : Sensory, Short-term and Long-term Memories
Levels of Processing
Types of Long-term Memory
Declarative and Procedural; Episodic and Semantic
Knowledge Representation and Organisation in Memory
Memory as a Constructive Process
Nature and Causes of Forgetting
Forgetting due to Trace Decay, Interference and Retrieval Failure
Enhancing Memory
Mnemonics using Images and Organisation
Unit VIII: Thinking
Nature of Thinking
Building Blocks of Thought
The Processes of Thinking
Problem Solving
Nature and Process of Creative Thinking
Nature of Creative Thinking
Process of Creative Thinking
Developing Creative Thinking
Barriers to Creative Thinking
Strategies for Creative Thinking
Thought and Language
Development of Language and Language Use
Unit IX: Motivation and Emotion
Nature of Motivation
Types of Motives
Biological Motives
Psychosocial Motives
Maslow‟s Hierarchy of Needs
Nature of Emotions
Physiological Bases of Emotions
Cognitive Bases of Emotions
Cultural Bases of Emotions
Expression of Emotions
Culture and Emotional Expression
Culture and Emotional Labelling
Managing Negative Emotions
Enhancing Positive Emotions
Psychology Tutorials Near Me, Psychology Tuition Near Me :
Wise Turtle Academy is absolutely sure that it's quality conscious and comprehensive "CBSE Class 12th Psychology Online Tuition Classes" will benefit the students immensely. The Psychology Online tutors, Psychology Tuitions Near Me, and, Psychology Home tutors, come from various educational backgrounds, namely, Engineering, Management, Accounting, Medical, Science, Humanities, Law, Commerce, and, others.
With adequate qualification, strong competency and rich experience carried by the Psychology Home Tutors & Psychology Online tutors, it'll be an easy task to instruct, guide and tutor the students through our "CBSE Class 12th Psychology Online Tuition Classes". Trust and mutual understanding among the Psychology Online Tutors, Psychology Home Tutors, and, the Psychology Students, will go a long way to effect an efficient delivery of "CBSE Class 12th Psychology Online Tuition Classes" in Greater Noida, &, Greater Noida West.
Psychology Online Tutor Near Me Class 12, Online Psychology Tutor Near Me Class 12 :
Following is the general Central Board of Secondary Education CBSE / NCERT National Council of Educational Research & Training prescribed outline of syllabus for subject Psychology - Class 12th ( XII - 12 ) :
Unit I: Variations in Psychological Attributes
Individual Differences in Human Functioning
Assessment of Psychological Attributes
Theories of Intelligence
Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Triarchic Theory of Intelligence
Planning, Attention-arousal, and Simultaneous successive Model of Intelligence
Individual Differences in Intelligence
Variations of Intelligence
Culture and Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Special Abilities
Aptitude: Nature and Measurement
Unit II: Self and Personality
Self and Personality
Concept of Self
Cognitive and Behavioural Aspects of Self
Self-esteem, Self-efficacy and Self-regulation
Culture and Self
Concept of Personality
Major Approaches to the Study of Personality
Type Approaches
Trait Approaches
Psychodynamic Approach
Behavioural Approach
Cultural Approach
Humanistic Approach
Assessment of Personality
Self-report Measures
Projective Techniques
Behavioural Analysis
Unit III: Meeting Life Challenges
Nature, Types and Sources of Stress
Effects of Stress on Psychological Functioning and Health
Stress and Health
General Adaptation Syndrome
Stress and Immune System
Coping with Stress
Stress Management Techniques
Promoting Positive Health and Well-being
Stress Resistant Personality
Life Skills
Positive Health
Unit IV: Psychological Disorders
Concepts of abnormality and psychological Disorders
Historical Background
Classification of Psychological Disorders
Factors Underlying Abnormal Behaviour
Major Psychological Disorders
Anxiety Disorders
Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
Trauma-and Stressor-Related Disorders
Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders
Dissociative Disorders
Depressive Disorder
Bipolar and Related Disorders
Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders
Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Disruptive, Impulse-Control and Conduct Disorders
Feeding and Eating Disorders
Substance Related and Addictive Disorders
Unit V: Therapeutic Approaches
Nature and process of psychotherapy
Therapeutic relationship
Types of therapies
Psychodynamic Therapy
Behaviour Therapy
Cognitive Therapy
Humanistic-existential Therapy
Biomedical Therapy
Alternative Therapies
Rehabilitation of the Mentally III
Unit VI: Attitude And Social Cognition
Explaining Social Behaviour
Nature and Components of Attitudes
Attitude Formation and Change
Attitude Formation
Attitude Change
Attitude-Behaviour Relationship
Prejudice and Discrimination
Strategies for Handling Prejudice
Social Cognition
Schemas and Stereotypes
Impression Formation and Explaining
Behaviour of Others through Attributions
Impression Formation
Attribution of Causality
Behaviour in the Presence of Others
Pro-social Behaviour
Factors Affecting Pro-social Behaviour
Unit VII: Social Influence And Group Processes
Nature and Formation of Groups
Type of Groups
Influence of Group on Individual Behaviour
Social Loafing
Group Polarisation
Conformity, Compliance, and Obedience
Cooperation and Competition
Determinants of Cooperation and Competition
Social Identity
Intergroup Conflict: Nature and Causes
Conflict Resolution Strategies
Unit VIII: Psychology and Life
Human-Environment Relationship
Different Views of the Human-Environment Relationship
Environmental Effects on Human Behaviour
Human Influence on the Environment
Natural Disasters
Promoting Pro-environmental Behaviour
Psychology and Social Concerns
Poverty and Discrimination
Aggression, Violence, and Peace
Mahatma Gandhi on Non-violence
Impact of Television on Behaviour
Unit IX: Developing Psychological Skills
Developing as an effective Psychologist
General Skills
Observational Skills
Specific Skills
Communication Skills
Psychological Testing Skills
Interviewing Skills
Counselling Skills
Psychology Coaching Classes Near Me, Psychology Home Tuition Near Me :
Wise Turtle Academy has kept the pricing budget for "CBSE Class 12th Psychology Online Tuition Classes, Psychology Home Tuitions Near Me" very reasonable, and, as per the industry standards. There is ample scope to mutually agree and negotiate upon the tuition or tutoring budget, thus, making it a win - win situation for both the Academy, as well as, it's students near me in Greater Noida & Greater Noida West.
Wise Turtle Academy encourages the students & residents to come forward and explore our highly effective and efficient "CBSE Class 12th Psychology Online Tuition Classes, Psychology Online Teachers Near Me", being delivered just next to or around the common local residential areas.
Wise Turtle Academy will indeed be delighted to hear from you about your requirements and assure you of our expert "CBSE Class 12th Psychology Online Tuition Classes". A, One - On - One, Psychology Online Tutoring Consultation, or, a Psychology Private Tutor visit, at your desired premises can be booked with us at absolutely nominal ( only to and fro transportation ) charges.
We'll ensure punctuality, utmost professionalism, and, full compliance to agreed Psychology Visitation, Psychology tutoring, or, Psychology Training Time windows, as well as, strive to deliver quite satisfactory tutoring experience possible.
Please do visit our Services web page to explore other Educational Learning Services. Do write, or, feel free to speak to us, or, visit our Contact Us web page, to know more about us.
Looking forward to connecting with you !
Wise Turtle Academy !