Wise Turtle Academy offers Innovative, Contemporary, Quality Oriented, and Information Technology Enabled Tutoring Services (ITES) through it's COE (Center Of Excellence). Latter caters to Two different verticals, viz., the OTC mode and the HTC mode. The OTC mode is used to deliver Online Tuition Classes and the HTC mode delivers on-premises or Home Tuition Classes with a personal touch.
The Wise Turtle Academy's COE (Center Of Excellence) for OTC (Online Tuition Classes) and HTC (Home Tuition Classes) has delivered numerous satisfied students or clients through both the modes. It has written several success stories. By following a Mix of Traditional and Modern Learning Pedagogy, Wise Turtle Academy has indeed made an indelible mark on the career graph of it's students/clients. We are quite confident in our abilities and exhort the students/clients to come forward and explore our Quality Oriented, Contemporary, Cost-Effective and Industry Standard Tutoring Services. We are absolutely sure, that, we can deliver a far better and well formed personality than before, without compromising the academic objectives and benchmarks.